Average Monthly Page Views
E-newsletter subscribers
Average web ad click rate
Average Monthly Unique Visits
Newsletter Open rate
Average app click rate
- Audience: Healthcare practitioners that specialize in the treatment of pain management
- Highlights:
- April 2017: Clinical Pain Advisor, buoyed by traffic to the neuropathic pain section, recorded a 28% jump in year over year traffic as it nearly set a site record with 93,237 page views in April.
- March 2017: Clinical Pain Advisor posted its highest traffic total in more than a year with 81,000 page views. Coverage of the AAPM annual meeting provided a decent boost by accounting for about 10% of traffic.
- December 2016: Clinical Pain Advisor showed marked improvement in its second year, as monthly page views jumped 58% from 2015 to 2016.
- September 2016: Clinical Pain Advisor saw a 22% year over year jump in page views, with Migraine and Headache content leading the surge.
- August 2016: Clinical Pain Advisor, largely boosted by traffic to the Migraine & Headache section, had a 71% increase in page views compared to last August
- July 2016: Recorded a 42% YoY jump in page views compared to July of 2015, led by the Migraine & Headache section accounting for 25% of all traffic.
- June 2016: had a 121% jump year over year in page views and 22% increase from May to June with more than 73,000 page views in June.
- May 2016: recorded an 81% year over year jump in page views, largely due to coverage of the American Pain Society’s annual meeting