Average Monthly Page Views
E-newsletter subscribers
Average web ad click rate
Average Monthly Unique Visits
Newsletter Open rate
Average app click rate
- Audience: Healthcare practitioners that specialize in the treatment of infectious diseases
- Highlights:
- April 2017: Infectious Disease Advisor saw a surge in its Apple News traffic in April, helping it to its highest traffic month in more than a year and recording a 71% YoY jump.
- December 2016: Led by HIV/AIDS and respiratory content, Infectious Disease Advisor capped 2016 with one of its strongest months and the site posted a 29% YoY jump in average monthly page views.
- September 2016: Infectious Disease Advisor saw traffic increase for the third straight month and was up 160% year over year.
- July 2016: Kicked off its second year with a 61% YoY jump in page views compared to its launch month of July 2015.
- June 2016: Coverage of ASM Microbe 2016 helped Infectious Disease Advisor post a 39% month over month jump in page views.