Average Monthly Page Views
E-newsletter subscribers
Average web ad click rate
Average Monthly Unique Visits
Newsletter Open rate
Average app click rate
- Audience: Healthcare practitioners that specialize in the treatment of rheumatology
- Highlights:
- April 2017: Led by rheumatoid arthritis coverage, Rheumatology Advisor continued its strong year by posting a 104% YoY jump in page views in April.
- February 2017: Rheumatology Advisor posted an 85% increase in page views YoY, with osteoarthritis content accounting for nearly 17% of traffic.
- January 2017: Rheumatology Advisor smashed its previous traffic record, posting 55,000 page views in January. Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis coverage led the way, accounting for more than 25% of traffic.
- December 2016: Rheumatology Advisor, launched in January of 2016, ended the year strong in November/December as traffic and engagement hit new highs.
- June 2016: Rheumatology Advisor’s Daily Update newsletter posted its strongest open rate of 2016 at nearly 13%.
- March 2016: posted a new traffic record and has doubled its monthly traffic since its launch in January.