Average Monthly Page Views
E-newsletter subscribers
Average web ad click rate
Average Monthly Unique Visits
Newsletter Open rate
Average app click rate
- Audience: Healthcare practitioners that specialize in the treatment of neurologic disorders
- Highlights:
- December 2016: Neurology Advisor turned its strongest month of the year with nearly 87,000 page views in December. The site’s page views were up 12% on average compared to 2015.
- November 2016: Neurology Advisor, led by stroke content, posted the most single-month page views in 2016, which represented a 29% YoY improvement.
- October 2016: Neurology Advisor benefited from an article on updated AAP guidelines and coverage of the CNS annual meeting to generate its highest traffic total in six months.
- June 2016: posted its highest open and click rates on newsletters in 2016 with an average open rate of 21% and a click rate of nearly 3%.
- February 2016: had its second-highest monthly page view total with more than 80k, which represented a 61% YoY increase from February 2015.